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Chas Bray | Oct 3, 2022 | Blog

Health and Safety in Construction – Contractor/Sub-contractor Role

Construction workers looking at drawings

Part 3

Please read part 2 continuing, where we looked at the role of the Principal Contractor, as we will now cover the role of a Contractor (sometimes referred to as a Sub-Contractor).

The best way to understand the role of a Contractor within CDM 2015 is to view this role in 2 Scenarios:

Scenario 1 – Contractor working on a project for a Principal Contractor

Scenario 2 – Contractor working on site as a single contractor (single contractor project), normally small work packages.

During this blog, we will cover both scenarios to fully understand the main responsibilities and duties of a Contractor within CDM 2015.

Who is a Contractor?

A Contractor can be an individual, a sole trader, a self-employed worker or a business that carries out, manages or controls construction work. Anyone who directly engages construction workers or manages construction work is a contractor. This includes companies that use their workforce to carry out construction work on their premises. The duties of contractors apply whether their workers are employees, self-employed or agency workers. To control risk and maintain health and safety contractors should familiarise themselves with the construction safety documents and the health and safety file requirements.

What are Contractor duties?

The main duty of a Contractor is to plan and manage construction work under their control so that it is carried out in a way that controls risk to health and safety. This duty, as stated above, is split into
2 x scenarios with separately defined responsibilities and duties as follows:

Scenario 1 – Contractor working on a project for a Principal Contractor, responsibilities are as follows:

Scenario 2 – Contractor working on site as a single contractor (single contractor project), normally small works packages. The Contractors responsibilities are as follows:

The flowchart below details an overview of both scenarios detailed above:

The full series covering CDM Compliance

Sources for this blog:
Construction (Design and Management) Regulations – CITB
Construction – Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015 (hse.gov.uk)

Further reading