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Chas Bray | Nov 7, 2022 | Blog

Health and Safety in Construction - Risk Assessments and Method Statements

Worker using a tablet

Part 5

In the previous four parts of this series, we covered CDM’s, the Principal Contractor and Sub-contractor roles and CPPS. In this final part, we’re talking about RAMS.

What are RAMS?

The Construction Design & Management Regulations (CDM 2015) require a safe system of work (SSOW) to be developed for all construction activities, this is accomplished either through a CPP (construction phase plan) or a set of RAMS (risk assessments & method statement).

A method statement is a safety document that describes how to carry out a site activity safely. It is really like a set of clear instructions from arriving on site, carrying out the works, to leaving site at the end of the works. Once completed, a site briefing must be conducted to consult and record attendance (understanding of the SSOW to be applied to the works), this must happen prior to work commencement.

Who compiles RAMS?

It is the responsibility of all site-based CDM appointment holders (Principal Contractors/Trade Contractors) to compile and develop an SSOW for the construction activities being undertaken. This ensures that the hazards are correctly identified and that suitable and sufficient controls are put in place to eliminate or reduce the risk to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP).

What must be detailed within RAMS?

What to include in a risk assessment method statement:

Method Statement (RAMS) Compilation:

A method statement should be compiled by a competent person, normally a site manager or site supervisor who has attended either of the following CITB courses:

In addition, a method statement could be compiled by a competent person within your organisation that can demonstrate competence:

Notify Technology can assist with the compilation of your RAMS, through an approved and industry accepted process that meets CDM 2015 & SSIP requirements:

I strongly recommend a free demonstration to understand how Notify can help regarding your RAM’s requirements.

Points To Remember

  • All construction works must have a site-specific set of RAMS in place
  • Once completed a RAMS Briefing must take place prior to the commencement of works
  • Point to remember:
    • Risk assessments– These identify and assess the hazards and risks involved in projects and detail control measures
    • Method statement – They should expand on the control measures outlined in the risk assessment, detailing how, when, and why you should implement measures (site planning)

The full series covering CDM Compliance

    • Part 1: CDM 2015
    • Part 2: CDM Requirements for Principal Contractor Appointments
    • Part 3: CDM Requirements for Trade Contractor Appointments
    • Part 4: CPP documentation and compilation
    • Part 6: Construction requirements for toolbox talks and reports/registers
    • Part 7: HS File Requirements (Bonus blog)

References Used:

Further reading