Part 4
In the previous three parts of this series, we covered What is Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, What is a Data Science Team and Why is Data Science important. In this final part, we’ll dive a little deeper into how Notify is leveraging artificial intelligence and data science to help businesses proactively prevent and reduce the number of accidents happening at their premises.
Interestingly, research suggests that if we asked Health and Safety professionals about the importance of Machine Learning in their Health and Safety Strategy, they would likely respond that it is minimal. However, if we asked how important the reduction of Serious Injuries and Fatalities (SIFs) is to their organisation, it’s usually near the top of the list. Machine Learning and Big Data are some of the foundational technologies which Notify is employing to help you dramatically reduce those SIFs.
Every 15 seconds, one worker is killed and 151 are injured or made ill, and the global gross domestic product (GDP) lost due to injuries and accidents at work is $2.8trillion, thus, the demand for solutions to reduce these numbers is as high as ever. Notify’s Data Squad is leading the industry’s efforts to make a positive impact on the health and safety of people at work by developing a proactive, data-driven enhancement to our current Safety, Health, Environment and Quality management system. “Holly” – a virtual expert embedded within Notify’s platform who works 24/7 to highlight risks and suggest improvements – will enable businesses around the world to predict the place and time of imminent accidents so that they can be one step ahead and have the invaluable opportunity to prevent these accidents from happening in the first place.
Some of Holly’s capabilities include:
- Predicting the time and location of an accident waiting to happen
- Intelligently identifying the type, likelihood and severity of an imminent accident
- Identifying quickly whether an incident is likely to be RIDDOR reportable
- Notifying appropriate stakeholders in an organisation rapidly, so the right people are intervening at the right time
- Highlighting areas of weakness withing an organisation’s health and safety practises and procedures and making recommendations for improvements
What can Holly do so far?
So far, Notify’s Data Squad has developed six solutions to tackle the highlighted issues, with accuracy results of between 71% and 99% (and improving all the time). In other words, if a company took advantage of Holly’s insights in its current state, they would be able to foresee between 71% and 99% of accidents and have a chance to take the necessary precautions in order to prevent them. In turn, this company should see a significant reduction in the number of accidents happening within their workplace and, therefore, reap the rewards gained from less capital and working hours lost due to injury and ill health, a lower number of major accidents which need to be reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), and finally and most importantly, fewer people being injured, made ill or losing their lives whilst working.
Health and safety numbers have significantly improved over the last few decades (as per Figure 1 below), however at Notify, we want to do our part in bringing those numbers as close to zero as possible, hence the ambition and R&D efforts put in by their Data Squad to bring Holly to life. The cutting-edge technological approach taken by Notify has been deemed as revolutionary and potentially game-changing by some of the UK’s top PLCs, therefore, the market will soon become exposed to the first suite of Data Science solutions developed purely to make an impact on people’s health and safety at work. After all, Notify’s mission is to make a billion people safer at work, and they are certain that Holly will be a huge leap for the health and safety industry.
How can your organisation get its hands on Holly?
This isn’t a matter of “if”, but “when”. Notify’s Data Squad is finishing up developing, optimising and testing Holly, with a group of our existing customers with a view to it being released to the wider market soon, supporting you to make your business a safer workplace. Upon release to market of this additional module, you will have the opportunity to express your interest, joining innovators in the health and safety space like Travis Perkins, Siemens, Wilson James and many other large PLCs who shared their thoughts and excitement as part of the Holly strategic focus group.
If you’re already championing Health & Safety at work by using the Notify platform, then you should speak to your account manager and ask about Holly; likewise, if you are keen to try out the leading platform for SHEQ Management driven forward by innovation and a desire to make working environments safer, then please book a demo today!
The End – for now
Thank you for taking the time to read our 4-part blog series onData Science in Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality Assurance! If you would like to share any feedback with us, you can find us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or email the team.
We hope this series has helped you learn more about Data Science, Safety Health, Environmental and Quality Assurance and that you will be as excited about Holly as we are here at Notify!
By Julian Gherghel – Data Scientist