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Document Management Software

With Notify’s simple and secure Document Management Software, you can digitally upload, store, share and easily access all of your health and safety documentation, from one central location

Laptop with Notify Technology Software

Support compliance with ISO45001, ISO14001 and ISO9001

Our Document Management Software enables you to digitalise and organise all of your health and safety policies, processes and procedures in one place. This simplifies the retrieval of documents and ensures the most current and up to date versions are accessible – helping to support your compliance with ISO45001, ISO14001 and ISO9001.


Easily manage document access

Easily manage document access

Quickly find the documents you need

Quickly find the documents you need

Access all safety documents in one place

Access all safety documents in one place

Support compliance with ISO45001/ISO9001

Support compliance with ISO45001/ISO9001

Find the documents
you need, fast

Stop the endless searching through filing cabinets or multiple systems for that crucial inspection report or safety policy. With Notify’s document management software, you can upload and categorise your documents, allowing you, your team and your employees to easily find the relevant safety information, in a timely manner.

Laptop with Notify Technology software
A business man and a girl in hardhats

Quickly access the
latest versions

You’re just about to carry out a site-specific induction and require the latest Safe System of Work. Is there a printed hard copy? Is it on Sharepoint? Is it hosted locally? Is this the latest version?  With Notify’s document management software, you won’t have to worry about answering these questions, as you can quickly access the current versions of your documents and carry on with your planned activity without delay. You can also assign document owners and control who sees what, which is particularly important for anything flagged as confidential.

Go green with
paperless documents

Embrace a greener way of managing your health and safety documents, with a digital documentation repository. Significantly reduce the amount of paper copies you print or go completely paperless. Either way, you’ll be doing that little bit more to reduce your organisations environmental footprint.

Man on a laptop in the forest

Featured resources

Preventing workplace accidents with behavioural based safety programmes

Behavioural Safety eBook

How to enhance your safety performance

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The front cover of the crisis management eBook.

Crisis Management eBook

The key components of a crisis management plan

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Health and Safety Leadership Ebook

Health and Safety Leadership eBook

Understand the importance of good safety leadership

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Explore our SHEQ software

Audits and Inspections Audits and Inspections

Create, schedule, assign and oversee all your audits, inspections and checklists. Complete checks on the go with our mobile app
Audits and Inspections Find out more

Health & Safety Apps Health & Safety Apps

Empower your employees to report incidents from anywhere and complete audits and inspections on the go, with our easy-to-use mobile Health and Safety Apps
Health & Safety Apps Find out more

Safety Intelligence Safety Intelligence

View real-time safety data by site, location and event. Utilise actionable insight to prevent accidents and drive a positive safety culture
Safety Intelligence Find out more

Risk Assessments Risk Assessments

Empower your workforce to proactively identify and control operational risks. Track activity and keep all of your employees informed
Risk Assessments Find out more

Method Statements Method Statements

Use templates to digitally create, publish and share construction phase plans, risk assessments and method statements​ (RAMS)
Method Statements Find out more

Action Tracking Action Tracking

Obtain a centralised view of all health and safety actions across your organisation. Visualise action status via interactive dashboards
Action Tracking Find out more

Incident Management Incident Management

Digitally capture incidents in real time on any device. Speed up investigations and track corrective actions to completion
Incident Management Find out more

Services Services

With a customer satisfaction score of 97% and a NPS score of +69, our friendly team of experts are here to support you
Services Find out more

Book a demo

Ready to reduce incidents, drive a positive safety culture and effectively manage your proactive and reactive safety approach? Book your free, no-obligation document management software demonstration to see how Notify can help your people be safer, healthier and more productive at work.

Incident Tracker Dashboard