How Product Care Group generated a 200% increase in positive observations

Product Care Group delivery van
Product Care Group

Notify is simple and intuitive to use. Audit planning is a doddle, as is setting up template forms and dependable questions. The risk assessments are also very easy and quick to set up. Notify also has clearly presented dashboards that allow us to easily interrogate and drill down into data.”

Greg Webb, Group Risk and Compliance Manager


Product Care Group are a manufacturer of domestic appliances, under license to Russell Hobbs, as well as some of their own brands. They sell direct to end users, or to end users through retailer owned e-platforms, as well as to retailers such as high street stores. Their aim is to be a top competitor in this field for a long time to come, and they have grown rapidly over the last 12/13 years going from 6 employees up to 230 UK based employees. They also have an office in China which employs 12 people who manage our relationships with the suppliers of components, and the factories that build our products.


Prior to using Notify, Product Care Group managed their health and safety processes via traditional paper-based systems and Excel. This posed a number of challenges for the business from a reporting perspective, as employees found it extremely time consuming to log near-misses. It also meant that positive safety observations weren’t being captured on a regular basis, leading to missed improvement opportunities across their sites. Communicating high level metrics to the board was also a time-consuming task.

In addition, the Health and Safety team found disparities in the way audits and risk assessments were being carried out. As a result, the information that was being captured and communicated was often inconsistent from their various sites.


Product Care Group selected Notify due to it’s ease of use and intuitive mobile apps. It’s range of customisable features such as incident types, as well as its tailorable licensing set-up, has allowed Product Care Group to create an organisation-focused approach for complete and effective reporting and investigation of events. Notify has made it easy for employees to report the right information in a consistent manner, and it has enabled their audit teams to effectively manage safety checks. Automating the scheduling process of reoccurring audits has also increased efficiency and ensured that all audits are completed on time.


Product Care Group use Notify for Incident Management, Audits and Inspections, Risk Assessments, Action Tracking and Safety Intelligence.

For more information on how Notify can digitalise your incident management, audits and Inspections, risk assessments and action tracking

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